Tuesday, August 28, 2007

OOC Post III: Beta Grid, Plus Something Good Happened

Decided, what with all the problems I've been experiencing with Windows Vista/Second Life, to try my hand at the Beta Grid. It was ok, I suppose. Don't know what new things were introduced there......although the setup with the buttons at the bottom of the screen, the history box and the IM box was the same set up that the Main Grid had before voice was introduced.......not sure if that means we'd be going back to that set up.

While exploring there, I found one of the coolest sculptures I've ever seen. Check out this pic, tell me if that isn't cool.....

Then, I continued my struggle on the Main Grid. Something happened last night, not really sure. Maybe it was the fact that I had put Second Life in "Compatability Mode", basically changing the properties to where Second Life would be running under Windows XP mode. Maybe, it was the fact that, instead of clicking on the shortcut, I went under start and found the program and clicked from there. Maybe it was because there was a windows update that got downloaded, including two updates fro the Nvidia card, and they got installed. Maybe it's all of the above.

Whatever it was, last night, the computer did not lock up on me. I dealt with the regular lagging that we're all used to. At one time, I teleported home and I was Ruthed. After a couple of hours, I did relog, as I usually do, but for the most part, spent a good four and a half hours in Second Life with no problems.

Not sure if my problems solved, and I'm not jumping up and down with joy just yet. But it was a positive sign.......

Now........I have to deal with what I've been missing.


alfawalidou said...
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TotalLunar Eclipse said...

welcome back to the fray

Edward Pearse said...

*crosses his fingers*

Let's hope it works as a long term solution.