Sunday, April 4, 2010

New Look Of The Alts. Part Two

And now, Jobias' new look.

The old look, suit from Pearse'd & Cuts, monocle from Avalanche, Sputnik, and Lightfoot. Avatar skin was also brought from the same shop, upstairs, where Oolon keeps his Doctor Who merchandise (it's Anthony Ainley, who played The Master during the 80's on the original series)

And now his new look. Suit was found at the Relay For Life Clothing Fair. Monocle was part of an outfit that Ortega bought at the Clothing Fair. Cane was bought in Babbage, was part of his original outfit. Shoes are from Pearse'd & Cut, skin is still that of Anthony Ainley.

I have to admit, I think I prefer the original top hat over the top hat that came with the new outfit. But the new outfit, I think adds to the character of Jobias, who does have that feeling that he's above everyone else and is of a higher class.

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